Challenge Accepted

April 6, 2022

“You will stand trial before governors and kings because you are my followers. But this will be your opportunity to tell the rulers and other unbelievers about me.” Matthew 10:18 (NLT)

Do your muscles and joints ache, ones you didn’t even know you had? Do your bills stack up faster than your savings? Do things work against your every move? Have you ever wondered why we face suffering even when we’re living right? I won’t claim to explain it perfectly, but the Bible gives repeated examples of how God uses suffering to advance his mission. 

In the verse above, Jesus had just assigned roles to the twelve disciples and given them instructions for the specific mission before them. This was not the great commission Jesus gave to all the church, but, from this instruction to these disciples, we can know some of the experiences followers of Jesus may face.

You will face challenges.

Physical. Emotional. Financial. Plus any other way you can imagine. Followers of Jesus will be perfected in Heaven. That’s called glorification. Until then, even those who have experienced salvation will live with imperfect bodies in an imperfect world. Jesus promises to hear our concerns and journey with us through each of them but we will still face challenges.

Faith can shine in challenges.

Jesus says in Matthew 10:18 that his followers will be on trial, even before governors and kings, but this is their very chance to tell those leaders about Jesus. This same model for a life of faith exists today. When you have success in life, thank God. When you face challenges, continue to lean into God and use them as an opportunity for your life to reflect the light of Jesus in which you’ve put your faith.

We do this by living life counter to the culture of the world. Don’t get even with your enemies; Jesus said love and pray for them (Matthew 5:44). Instead of gossiping and slandering your boss, Jesus said go two miles if they force you to go one mile (Matthew 5:41).

Don’t be afraid to follow the commands of Jesus. His promise will be fulfilled with his presence now and your eternal glorification in Heaven.

